Marie Keating Mobile Information Unit

August 25th 2023

Newtown GAA Healthy Clubs team were delighted to bring the Marie Keating Mobile Information Unit to Newtownmountkennedy providing Free specialist advice and cancer supports to the community. It was great to have so many come down on the day, have a chat with the lovely Nurse Liz and support this community initiative.

Special thanks to the Marie Keating Foundation for providing such a fantastic service to raise awareness around Cancer Health. To the beautiful nurse Liz, who provided valuable information sharing her wisdom aswell as one on one sessions, driver Eamonn for giving his time and manning the health bus and to our Club Chairperson Dominic Leech for dropping by and raising awareness.

Thanks again to Gerry Carroll from the Druids Well for the use of his facilities, going above and beyond as always.

A special thanks to everyone we met both local and those just passing through who dropped in and availed of this invaluable service that can change lives.

Thanks as always to our Newtown Gaa Healthy Clubs Team for organising the event - lots more to come in the months ahead!

Pictures from the day


Jigsaw’s One Good Coach Workshop


Irish heart foundation bus