MyLife every step counts challenge
Congratulations to everyone involved in the My Life Every Steps counts challenge, from chief organiser Margaret Synnott to all our 110 steppers as Newtown GAA have been awarded third prize in our province of Leinster
Certainly a wonderful result for Newtown and all our participants!
The prize itself is a €1,000 O’Neills voucher which can be put towards clubs gear or sports equipment- something which is always very welcome! There was a phenomenal response to this years My Life challenge with participation by 790 clubs across the length and breadth of Ireland and we should be so proud our achievements within the challenge!
Huge shout out to Mags Synnott, our healthy clubs chairperson for pushing us to take part in the challenge! The Steps challenge is only a small portion of all the hard work Mags and the healthy club’s committee have done for the club over the last few weeks!